We offer executive and his teamThe objectivity of executable insight

The most critical issues for business institutions, Gartner expert guidance and practical tools to help you quickly make smarter decisions.

About Gartner

The $5 billion +

Gartner business income is 5.5 billion dollars, one of the standard & poor's 500 index.

~ 90

Our business in 90 countries and regions.

~ 19500

We have nearly 19500 employees in over 85 offices around the world.

40 +

Accumulated more than 40 years for corporate clients all over the world to provide professional insight and valuable experience in expert guidance.

We help customers make fast
More informed decision.

Insight into the objective, executable, you deserve and stakeholder trust.Gartner为全球企业机构领导者提供公正、厂商中立且经过严格审核的指导建议,帮助领导者制定关键决策。

  • More than 2200 experts and consultants

Expert guidance, to help you understand the industry development trend and future challenges.Gartner积极与所有重要职能领域和行业的高管及其团队保持互动,依托深厚的专业积累,帮助领导者找到正确的路径,取得切实、可量化的成果。

  • Each year more than 460000 customer interaction

  • Each year more than 15000 corporate clients

Utility, help you reasonable personnel, processes, and technical decisions.Gartner为领导者提供丰富的工具和基准,用以衡量具体决策的影响,最大限度提升当前及未来绩效。

  • Gartner magic quadrant covering more than 1300 kinds of technology and technology maturity curve with the manufacturers.

  • Gartner score maturity diagnostic tool functional areas covered more than 70 enterprises.

To make faster, more informed decisions.

Peer exchanges, and help you to build closer relationship within the organization.Gartner以专业洞察赋能企业机构最高管理层,帮助领导者优化伙伴关系,洞悉跨企业合作中的关键事项。

Online and offline activities, help you quickly learn and identify important trends and reasonable decisions.Gartner为领导者提供行业专家指导,帮助领导者在颠覆与不确定性中找到正确的方向,快速制定明智决策。

  • More than 25 online meeting, attracting more than 60000 business personnel and professional and technical personnel to participate in

  • More than 350 executives exclusive meeting

Customer success stories

Know we help enterprise agencies throughout the world realize the way of the most critical.

Gartner's commitment to the collection

We believe that the experience will make us as individuals, communities and enterprise institutions, to become more outstanding.

Life At Gartner

Gartner employees and we together create social influence.
