Gartner Research,

Understand the cultural integration of m&a

M&a cultural integration of the main challenges, as well as the CIO and executives can use the roadmap that can optimize the results.

Analyst:CIO team

Control of cultural integration is a key to the success of mergers and acquisitions, but in the whole process of mergers and acquisitions, cultural integration is often misunderstood or undervalued.

In the process of mergers and acquisitions, cios and executive leaders need to attach importance to cultural integration, because cultural integration is trade fields (such as finance, technology, customers, new products, employees, etc.) the key to success or failure.

We will provide you with the latest Gartner research:

  • When it comes to the cultural integration in mergers and acquisitions, should first solveThe key challenge overview
  • Help the chief information officer and senior executives quickly in the first 100 daysThe strategic action
  • Senior leaders can use for a long timeThe road map that can optimize the results

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Master integration of m&a strategy of enterprise culture, make enterprise m&a smoothly.

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