The role of the CIO in digital, innovation and change management

Cios and IT leaders must be the voice of enterprise digital strategy

Digital change with each passing day

In order to maintain synchronization with digital and technology innovation, cios are required to complete the supervisor's role to the business transformation from the head of the delivery.To help enterprises to complete digital test and pilot, and then realize digital scale best practices.

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Metro South Health chief information officer

Michael Draheim

Gartner can help senior CIO solve the challenge?

As the technology gradually become the main driver of the enterprise, the role of the CIO also gradually from the technical experts for business strategists.People expect more and more high, however, now the CIO in the optimization of business results, change the business model and implementation technology modernization and enhance customer experience are faced with unprecedented challenges.Therefore, with the aid of Gartner's insight, advice, and tools, the CIO can solve the most pressing challenges, their understanding of the recent development trend of the most important role.

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The CIO agenda in 2023: help you to get investment digital dividend four measures

In 2023, Gartner's chief information officer and the technical key of executive agenda.

CIO leadership outlook in 2022

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Gartner for CIO question

  • Digital design and delivery, within the scope of the business budget, identification, testing and the expansion of the most promising digital business ideas.
  • The digital infrastructure: responsible for managing the inter-departmental platform and its integration.
  • Traditional IT project managementLegacy: management of infrastructure, responsible for system security and core system.
  • General business management:Cooperate with business leaders, looking for the entire enterprise digital business transformation method, and cultivate the leader of digital agility.

The rapid development of the digital transition changed the face of global enterprises, at the same time, the role of the CIO in transition.Isolated IT management has become the past, the CIO has now become the key figures in the high-level leaders, leaders need to guide the business gradually to shoulder the responsibility of the project for key figures, so as to accelerate the process of digital business.

In the future, as the management to further improve its digital agility, CIO will inevitably need to improve and stabilize its leadership in the business of key position.

And the transformation of business strategy and to develop more of the CIO means, they not only to focus on the IT field, but also pay attention to train the ability of general manager level staff Numbers and supervise the implementation and development of the digital strategy.

In 2019, 82% of respondents said they had made the digital transition plan.And after knowing the importance of technology for business, enterprise institution now to train with the IT technology and digital talent leader, is expected to not rely on the ability to the delivery or implementation of the IT team, promote the development of business projects.Although this is conducive to business growth, but IT is in urgent need of traditional IT management or CIO make a change.

In order to maintain hard-won clout in the executives, the CIO needs to redefine its team and the business integration method.All IT department staff need a shift in focus, strengthen the emerging technologies of business partners, education, guidance business partners using iterative development methods, and help business partners to understand the integration requirements, so as to keep highly consistent with enterprise's development strategy.

With the improvement of enterprise employees digitized, in addition to the IT field, the CIO needs to provide enterprises with other aspects of the proposal.

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