2022 forward-looking leadership ebook series

Gartner, based on the latest insight into different roles

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To help business leaders rapidly for change, and with the fastest speed deliver new solutions, "Gartner prospectie series ebook leadership will be based on data driven research for specific instructions for the leaders and their teams.Gartner, the research will focus on your team, colleagues and other leaders within the enterprise, to help you more quickly and effectively prioritize and plan priorities, especially to consolidate your strategic plan in 2022.

The Gartner prospectie series ebook leadership provided based on the data of three strategic action points, help you succeed as a leader.Will the three strategic action points into your 2022 strategic plan, to ensure that you and your functions help companies achieve sustained development.

Gartner client:accessThe customer portalOr make an appointment to analysts know more detail about the content of the leadership perspective.

Download for executives published prospectie series ebook leadership

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