Gartner technical maturity curve

Interpreting technical maturity curve

When new technology made bold promises, how to distinguish between hype and commercial feasibility?If this is true, the promise when will deliver?Gartner technical maturity curve is a graphical presentation technology and application of maturity and USES, and how they relate to solve real business problems and make use of the potential relevance of new opportunities.Gartner technical maturity curve方法有助于您了解某项技术或应用如何随时间不断演变,从而提供可靠的洞察来源,以便在特定的业务目标背景下管理部署。

How to use the technical maturity curve?

Customers on the basis of industry and individual risk preference, the use of technology for an emerging technology maturity curve as prospects.

If you should have action?If you are willing to take risks, and at the same time doesn't always lead to clearly recognize the risk investment returns, returns may be due to the early adoption.

Adopt the method of the doctrine of the mean?Comparison of the doctrine of the mean of executives understand the reason of early investment, but in the new ways of doing things is not fully prove that, they will still insist on reasonable cost/benefit analysis.

Whether you should wait for further mature?If the commercial feasibility of emerging technology is unable to solve the problem of too much, had better wait until others have been able to realize the value of tangible to follow up.

Technical maturity curve how to work?

Each technical maturity curve could be divided into five key technology life cycle stage.

  • Bud:Potential technical breakthrough is about to begin.The concept of early test reports and the media attention widespread publicity.Usually there is no available products, commercial viability is not proven.
  • Expected inflation period:Early propaganda has produced many success stories - is usually accompanied by many failures.Some companies will take action, but most will not.
  • Bubble burst trough:With the experiment and implement failure, fade out people's interests.Technology creators abandoned or failure.Only surviving providers to improve products, early adopters satisfactory, investment will continue.
  • A steady climb recovery:About how to make the technology more instance enterprise benefit began to solidify, and obtain a wider range of knowledge.Technology providers introduced to second and third generation product.More companies to invest in test;Conservative company is still very cautious.
  • The production of:Mainstream use began to surge.More clear standard assessment providers the ability to survive.The technology of wide applicability and relevance market obviously rewarded.

Technical maturity curve helps you to:

  • The hype and technology distinguish from the real drivers of commercial prospects
  • Reduce the risk of technology investment decisions
  • Your understanding of the technology business value and objective evaluation of the experienced IT analysts were compared

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