



It is difficult for software engineering leader consistent way understanding of team work, and find a suitable index to measure the productivity of the team and business results.To solve this problem, should consider using software engineering intelligent platform, play to the value of engineering data, improve business results.

Included in the Full Research

An overview of the

Main findings
  • Increasingly diverse roles in software engineering, as well as a surge of professional tools, to the software project leader to track the value creation, developer productivity and other key product success indicators caused difficulties.

  • 软件工程领导者如果不能将团队的产出与业务成果挂钩,便无法向利益相关者有效传达团队交付的价值。

  • Software engineering leaders hope contrast enterprise organization inside and outside the other team to assess their own performance, but the lack of the necessary tools.



  • 利用软件工程智能(SEI)平台展示业务成果的先行指标,围绕团队的生产力及其交付的客户价值提供连贯一致的信息。

  • SEIPlatform, screening to ensure that the selected platform can be measurable tactical engineering index with the expected strategic business results, and then display the business value of software engineering team.

  • usingSEI平台强大的基准化分析能力,对比自身团队与企业机构内外其他相似团队乃至整个行业的表现。避免在工程部门内部不同团队或个人之间进行对比。


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