Gartner Expert

Mary Mesaglio

Managing Vice President

Mary Mesaglio is a Managing Vice President, leading the Executive Leadership Dynamics team, where she also contributes as an analyst. Ms. Mesaglio's research has a practical bent and is focused on helping enterprises to transform, innovate and change their culture. Much of her recent work has focused on how to motivate employees who are feeling crisis fatigue, critical actions for leaders during a crisis, how to turn values into action and what it takes for humans to really transform.

Ms. Mesaglio is on a mission to help large enterprises harness behavioural science to lead teams and change behaviors. She is a frequent keynote speaker at Gartner events and externally.

Ms. Mesaglio is Canadian and is based in Barcelona, Spain. She has traveled extensively in North America, South America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. She speaks English, Spanish and French fluently, is working on her Catalan, and would love to learn Japanese one day.

Previous experience

In 2003, Ms. Mesaglio joined Gartner as a relationship manager for Gartner Executive Programs, where she was responsible for CIOs and IT directors across Spain and Portugal. In 2007, she joined the Gartner CIO Research team.

Professional background


Executive Partner

Senior Research Analyst


Areas of coverage

CIO Technology and Innovation Leadership

Gartner Research Board for Global CIOs

Executive Leadership: Digital Business

Executive Leadership: Leadership Dynamics


Bachelor of Science, Foreign Service, Major in International Economics, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., Awarded an Honors Certificate in International Business Diplomacy

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Top Issues That I Help Clients Address

1Crisis leadership

2The art of culture hacking - changing your culture fast

3The behavioral side of innovation and change

4Making better decisions

5What digital transformation looks like on the ground, five levels down from the CIO
