Accelerate Growth as a Marketing Organization and Operations Leader

证明的见解,以确保你的营销策略delivers business value

Marketers seek greater agility and responsiveness but fight operational challenges

Marketing organizations with a marketing operations leader tilts more to full centralization

Marketing ops leaders have long been exploring how to realize greater value and scale from their marketing organizations. Organizational structure can play a role in the ultimate effectiveness of an organization, but changes should be complemented with related operational improvements.

Download this research and get actionable insights to:

  • Optimizeyour organizational structure and operating model
  • Transformyour existing project management approach using agile marketing practices
  • Builda more scalable, flexible and resilient marketing organization

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    We went out to San Diego, and the term we always use is that ‘the light seemed to go on’ for us at that point in time.

    Jim Pendergast

    Senior Vice President, Customer Experience, AARP

    How we address your top marketing operations challenges

    Marketing organizations are undergoing a massive transformation. To thrive and survive in this changing landscape, marketing ops leaders must proactively develop an effective marketing strategy aligned with enterprise-wide objectives, identify an optimal marketing organization structure and select the right outsourcing agencies/partners. Gartner’s indispensable insights, advice and tools help Marketing leaders to optimize their marketing team’s capabilities and deliver consistent growth.

    The Evolving Role of Marketing Operations

    To maximize the impact of marketing efforts, marketing operations leaders must frame the scope of their role and fix impediments to execution. Use our 4 step marketing operations framework to enhance the effectiveness of marketing operations in your organization.

    Maximize the Impact of Marketing Initiatives with Marketing Operations

    View our complimentary on-demand webinar to discover how a marketing operations leader can help the marketing organization become more effective by increasing ROI, productivity, flexibility and moving towards optimized operational marketing technology.

    5-Step Framework to Navigate Marketing Transformation

    Marketing ops leaders often feel ill-equipped to successfully guide their marketing teams through change. Learn how our 5-step framework can help you identify your marketing team’s capability, potential and action steps to navigate marketing transformation.

    Questions about becoming a Gartner client?

    New to your marketing operations leadership role?

    Your success as a new-to-role Marketing Organization and Operations leader will depend on your ability to establish a solid team foundation and align the marketing organization and its operations, talent, partners and capabilities to the organization-wide strategic goals. Use Gartner advice, and its wide range of supporting resources, to develop an effective marketing strategy and deliver the required business outcomes and achieve success in your new role.

    Gartner Marketing Symposium/Xpo™

    Connect with CMOs and marketing leaders to get the latest insights on marketing technology, trends, innovation and more.

    Marketing operations questions Gartner can help answer

    Primary responsibilities:

    • Creative oversight of all marketing work and campaigns
    • Strategic campaign planning
    • Execution of strategic plans and campaigns

    Secondary responsibilities:

    • Performance measurement
    • Technology and process optimization

    Other responsibilities

    • Data analytics and reporting

    Optimizingmarketing operations是至关重要的发展中一个有效的营销箍tegy for your business. To do this, marketing leaders must be able to operationalize strategic marketing plans. That means identifying areas requiring input, including technology, processes, talent and strategic direction, and executing a plan to get them working. Marketing leaders must gather and deploy the resources, people, processes and tools that power marketing capabilities aligned with strategic plans. They must also execute those plans effectively and efficiently.

    There’s no denying that marketing is an increasingly critical pillar of any business. Without the right strategic marketing approach, product and service offerings are at significant risk of failure. If you want a more effective marketing strategy powered by an optimizedmarketing operationsscope, Gartner has the tools and resources to deliver growth to your organization.

    Of the organizations surveyed for research, it was reported that almost one-quarter of outgoing marketing budgets is being spent on external vendors and agency services. Although external service providers are important to a marketing organization’s function, there are ways to optimize outgoing costs that don’t impact business revenue.

    In-housing has been a major area of focus for optimizing marketing spend and has been a proven cost-saver. Upskilling existing staff and strategically hiring talent to fill specific skills gaps are effective ways to make activity more cost-efficient and enhance in-house process management.

    Understanding the value that different types of marketing service providers offer enables marketing operations managers to ensure that they deliver an optimal mix of in-house talent and outsourced expertise that is flexible and scalable to the changing needs, processes, revenue and capabilities of the organization.

    Marketing leaders in the evolving digital landscape need to optimize their organizational structure and transform their existing project management approach using agile marketing practices to build a more scalable, flexible and resilient marketing organization.

    The most sustainable and effective strategy is to design a marketing team capable of strong internal and external collaboration — one with the talent to lead, contribute and cooperate simultaneously.

    For greater flexibility and agility withinmarketing organizations, marketing team members should be able to “toggle” among roles, filling gaps where required on individual campaigns or projects. That means they should be capable of leading one project, contributing to another, and planning or collaborating on multiple initiatives.

    Gartner is a trusted advisor and an objective resource for more than 14,000 enterprises in 100+ countries.

    Learn more about how we can help you achieve your most critical priorities.
