Information Technology

Emergent AI can not be ignored: on the other side of the data and safety

Stay online September 18, 2023
|At 7:00 p.m. PDT |1小时

To generate the type of effective data management is indispensable to the successful use of artificial intelligence and security risk control.However, in today's language model overhyped, they are easily overlooked.Enterprises and organizations must develop a coherent strategy to ensure the success of emergent artificial intelligence, in order to protect the enterprise data and intellectual property rights, ensure the responsible use of AI, reduce AI generated illusion, and implement efficient data management and governance.This free webinar will help enterprises to learn how to provide effective data management and safety risk control, to ensure that the organization generated type artificial intelligence the success of the trip.

  • Explore emergent using risk of artificial intelligence and how to balance the risk

  • Under the background of AI democratization more effective data management and governance

  • 利用治理框架确保生成式AI的安全采用


Hosted by

Xingyu Gu

The Sr Director Analyst


Feng Gao

The Sr Director Analyst

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