12 Steps to Excellence in Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations

April 06, 2018

Contributor: Rob van der Meulen

Follow these steps to transform IT operations with artificial intelligence.

本文从原来的已经更新,published on November 27, 2017 to reflect new events, conditions or research.

While onlya small fraction of organizationshave deployed and usedartificial intelligence(AI) at scale,IT infrastructureandoperations(I&O) leaders are already being challenged to create an agile infrastructure to support their organization’sAI strategy.

In addition, I&O teams are exploring the use of AI technologies to improve their own operations. This will require radical modifications to tasks and processes, saysPankaj Prasadprincipal research analyst at Gartner.

“Start using AI-enabled I&O management tools and continuously reskill your teams with new AI and data analytics skills,” says Prasad. “We advise clients to start small, build fast and validate frequently.”Gartner helps I&O leaders tackle the challenge of using AI in IT operations by breaking it down into 12 steps (see graphic). They are grouped into four major stages of progress, creating a solid platform that truly transforms IT operations.12 Steps to excellence in AI for IT Operations inforgraphic

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